
Ready to Discover
Effortless Commissions?

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Fill out this form to take ownership of your commission chaos:
You're sick & tired of manual commissions
You need help to understand a better way
You lack a commission management strategy and plan of action

Hung up on something?

Here are some answers to questions you might be thinking

What's this going to cost?

Great question! Our pricing is based on a monthly fee billed per rooftop. Our monthly fees vary depending on the number of employees under each rooftop. We do offer volume discounts for dealerships.


In addition to the monthly charge, we charge a one-time setup fee. As part of this setup fee, Nimble's implementation team will come to your dealership and work with your team on the initial setup. This setup fee is fully refundable if your dealership cancels within 90 days of the setup, but we are confident you will think that setup fee was the best money you ever spent when you see how much time and money you are saving with Nimble Compensation.


We don't believe in locking you into a long-term contract, so we have a month-to-month agreement that allows you to cancel at any time.


Learn more about how our pricing works: Pricing Page

Can I speak with another dealership?

We used to provide dealership referrals, but as we have grown, we realized two things:

  1. With our growth, our dealerships were overwhelmed by the number of referrals they were providing.
  2. Most importantly, we realized speaking with another dealership just wasn't that helpful because hearing about the impact of Nimble Compensation didn't compare to actually seeing your commission process improved.

As a result, we no longer provide dealership referrals; instead, we set up your most complex department for free and provide a custom demo. The custom demo is a much more powerful referral for you and your team since you can compare how long your current process takes to the process in Nimble.


We can almost guarantee your jaw will hit the floor when you see a process that usually takes you hours to complete in a few minutes.

Does Nimble Compensation replace my payroll system?

No, we do not replace your payroll system.


We sit between your DMS and Payroll provider to provide accurate commission and earning information for your payroll system. You don't have to change your payroll provider to use Nimble Compensation.


We work with most Payroll providers. If you have specific questions about your payroll provider, email our support team at support@nimblecompensation.com.

