HR & Payroll

HR & Payroll

Ensure every salesperson gets their fair share, without the headache of double-checking every cell in a spreadsheet. And the best part? It integrates seamlessly with your existing systems.

Alex's transformation from #commissionchaos

Franchise Retail Automotive Commission Solution

Nimble Compensation is a CDK Fortellis certified Independent Software Vendor serving both:

CDK Connected Commission Software

Reduction in commission processing time
Save Time
Dealership's average commission savings
Increase Profit

Get your employees in sync and payroll done in a fraction of the time

Replace your manual calculations and cross-referencing tabs with automated process and painless integration that just works.

Wrestling numbers, deadlines, and... endless spreadsheets?

Alex the "HR Payroll Admin"
Alex the "HR Payroll Admin"

Meet Alex, our fictional HR & Payroll admin based on what we know of others HR & Payroll admins. Alex is one of many financial wizards that has the ability to navigate people problems. She works with a team of twelve and has seen a lot of turnover since starting her role a year ago at a multi-location dealer in Texas.

Alex wants to progress in her role and make a happier sales and finance relationship. However she cannot get ahead of these regular occurrences of mistakes in commission payouts, leading to employee dissatisfaction and distrust. The larger the dealership grows the larger the problems and the more turnover.

Alex pays attention to HR Magazine, SHRM and many HR and payroll software vendors blogs. But, she has yet to find a dealership specific solution that can actually make the move from these spreadsheets. Then she found Nimble Compensation. Let's take a look at her transformation.

Alex's transformation from #commissionchaos
Alex's transformation from #commissionchaos
Can you relate?
Before we get into just how Nimble works,
let's hear what a real person has to say...
Margie Werbner
"This software is a no-brainer. It is a game changer."
Margie W.

We seamlessly work with the world's best
Dealer Management Systems

Here's how Nimble works

Nimble Compensation does all the heavy lifting of commission taking your complex commission process to three simple steps that can be completed in minutes:

Nimble Connect Icon

Create a pay period. We pull data from your Dealer Management System and any other sources needed for the commissions.

Nimble Calculate Icon

Within seconds, commissions are calculated and ready for review.

Nimble Confirm Icon

Commissions are calculated, submitted and ready for approval with automated employee notifications. Congratulations!

After watching, see how you can get started.

How it works - Demo Screenshot with Zach

Top features that you'll love

Built with HR & Payroll in mind

Does Nimble Compensation replace my payroll system?

No, we do not replace your payroll system.

We sit between your DMS and Payroll provider to provide accurate commission and earning information for your payroll system. You don't have to change your payroll provider to use Nimble Compensation.

We work with most Payroll providers. If you have specific questions about your payroll provider, email our support team at

Do you work with my payroll system?

Over the years, we have seen and worked with quite a few payroll companies. We work with many of the native DMS payroll solutions as well as many of the most popular standalone payroll companies like: ADP, Paylocity, Netchex, Paychex, Paycom and many more.

We have built Nimble Compensation to be extremely flexible and therefore it works with virtually all payroll solutions. But if you want to confirm your specific payroll solution you can email our support team at

How much time is this saving people?

While every dealership is different, on average, our dealership customers see an 80% reduction in process time.

To put this into real terms, if your commission process currently takes 10 hours every month, after implementing Nimble Compensation, we expect it would take roughly 2 hours to complete. That is 8 hours you get back during your busiest time of the month, month-end close! Imagine what your life would look like.

We regularly hear from our clients that they now get to eat dinner with their family during close or don't have to come into the dealership on Sundays because of the time-savings Nimble Compensation gave them.

We want this to be you, but we also have been doing this long enough that it is hard to believe this could be your story. We encourage you to Book A Demo so we can setup a custom demo and show you how different your life could be.

What is a commission management platform?

Great question!

A commission management platform helps businesses manage and track commissions.

It is important to note that a commission management platform does not replace your payroll provider. It sits between your DMS and Payroll provider to provide accurate commission and earning information for your payroll system to process.

While there are a few commission management platforms out there, Nimble Compensation is different. We are the only commission management platform built for dealerships. We only work with dealerships, which means we live and breathe in your world every day. 

This matters to you for a few reasons:

  1. We are built to work with every department in a dealership. Other commission management platforms are made for sales departments, which is different from the reality of a dealership. We know and understand nearly every employee in a dealership is on some flavor of a commission plan.  
  2. We work and integrate with the tools you use every day. This includes your Dealer Management System.
  3. We don't need to tell you this, but the dealership world differs from other industries. Start throwing out terms like retro, front gross, back gross, and most companies ' heads are spinning. That is our every day. 

We encourage you to check out our full article for a more in-depth explanation. 

Still have questions? Check out the full list of FAQs

Join dealers across the country

It is a time saver and the sales people love seeing their commissions in real time.

Margie Werbner

Business Office Manager, Chalmers Ford

End-to-end commission power and efficiency with a simplified workflow

Making payroll on CDK is a breeze

Replace your 57 commission spreadsheets across 13 folders and 1000s of cells:
Monthly Commission Cycle
 (CDK Drive + Spreadsheets)
  • Download DMS Report
  • Paste Report Data in Spreadsheet
  • Update Tabs
  • Update Formulas
  • Compare Output to Sales Logs
  • Consolidate Data for Payroll
  • Send Spreadsheets to Department Manager
  • Print Spreadsheet for Each Commissioned Employee
  • Give Employee Spreadsheet Washout
  • Submit Payroll
20-40+ hours per team
Monthly Commission Cycle
 (CDK Drive + Nimble Compensation)
  • With preconfigured calculations, managers have a single approval step to review earnings. Simply click to approve all and employees instantly receive a digital washout sheet.
  • Submit Payroll
1 step per team

Are you missing out on end-to-end automated commissions?

So you're a CDK dealer? Great! You're on a trusted DMS that has a large market share, is flexible, supports power posting, can truly handle multi-company environments and connects to all OEMs? 
Got it.

But what about CDK and your commission process?
Managers Pulling Reports Manually
Reports are problematic, limited, and take too much time.
Employees are Missing Commissions
Manual data inputs make calculations nearly impossible.
No End-to-End
Review Process
No overhead checks and balances keeps you up at night.
Overwhelming Financial
Accessible financial data isn't in the right place, up-to-date, and invites  excess questions.
Handling Pay Plans
are a Pain
You can't easily see who's on what pay plan and what's working (or not).
Printing and Distributing Washout Sheets
Manual sheets means more labor to print, re-print, explain, and accommodate.

Streamline your commission process with real-time DMS data integration

Data-Driven Commissions Intelligence
Accurate data automated from the source:

All Reports

  • ✓ Report By Employee (RBE)
  • ✓ Advisor Daily Sales Summary
  • ✓ Tech Performance Report (TPR)
  • ✓ RTH Reports
  • ✓ Master Daily DOC
  • ✓ MIS Report
  • + Any Report


  • ✓ Service
  • ✓ Parts
  • ✓ Sales
  • ✓ F&I
  • ✓ Management
  • ✓ Accounting
  • + Any Department


  • ✓ Digital Retail
  • ✓ CRM
  • ✓ Sales & Leasing
  • ✓ Fixed Operations
  • ✓ Finance & Insurance
  • ✓ Leasing
  • ✓ Sales & Inventory
  • + Any Module

Get your employees in sync and payroll done in a fraction of the time

Replace your manual calculations and cross-referencing tabs with automated process and painless integration that just works.

Freeing up your 2024 friction points

CDK's 2024 Friction Point Survey reveals your desire for improved systems integration, reliability, and rekeying of information.

We hear you:
For Dealers & GMs

For Dealers
& GMs

Get reliable accurate visibility to upper and lower management

For Managers, HR & Payroll

For Managers, HR & Payroll

Save time and motivate with real-time earnings portal for each employee

For Accounting Teams

For Accounting Teams

Replace rekeying commission information with single step calculation

Extending the power of CDK and commissions

Here's more resources on CDK, getting started, and the additional benefits that come with Nimble Compensation
#1 Franchise Retail Automotive Commission Solution
Mercedes Benz
Alex's transformation from #commissionchaos

We make this change easy for you. Seriously easy.

How many hundreds of times will you copy and paste data this month?
Take your commissions to the next level by simply connecting to the power of your DMS data. You'll love how easy we've made this for you.

You don't need to have everything cleaned up, closed out, and organized. You have enough to do, we can help you right where you're at! You won't see long-term contracts, fine print, or gotchas. They're the industry things that make leaders like you skeptical. You'll see true trusted commission innovation that makes your life so much easier. So what are you waiting for?

Nimble Compensation CTA screen clipping

"It can't be that easy..."

Ready to kick back and spend more time with family and less time with formulas?

You'll never want to go back to commission spreadsheets

But if you end up missing late nights and overpayments, there are no strings attached:

Month to Month Contract
Cancel Anytime
3 Months Money Back
Stop commission chaos. Discover how you can streamline your dealership's commission process and drive growth. See for yourself with this free guide to getting started.